Jose L Piedra Cazadores - pack of 5
Immediately you will notice the distinct, somewhat rustic, medium to full taste of the Remedios tobaccos in these cigars. A cigar great for outdoors.
José L. Piedra is a standout in the world of Havana cigars, renowned for its blend of filler tobaccos grown exclusively in the Remedios tobacco region (formerly known as Vuelta Arriba). What sets these cigars apart is the traditional ‘totalmente a mano, tripa corta’ technique—meaning ‘totally handmade, short filler.’
The Piedra family's legacy began in the 1880s when they emigrated from the Spanish province of Asturias to Cuba. Settling near Santa Clara, at the heart of the Remedios region where tobacco has been cultivated since the 16th century, they embarked on a journey of cigar craftsmanship. The family's second generation, led by José Lamadrid Piedra—whose name the brand honours today—founded and developed the brand, ensuring its place in the annals of cigar history.
Every José L. Piedra cigar is crafted using Remedios tobaccos and the ‘tripa corta, totalmente a mano’ method, resulting in a distinctive and authentic smoking experience.
The Cazadores cigar offers an immediate impression with its distinct, somewhat rustic, medium to full-bodied taste derived from the rich Remedios tobaccos. This cigar is perfect for enjoying in the great outdoors, capturing the essence of traditional Cuban craftsmanship and flavour.
Indulge in the rich heritage and unique taste of José L. Piedra cigars, a brand that continues to celebrate its storied past while delivering exceptional quality.
Jose L Piedra Cazadores - pack of 5
Starts with a very medium flavour, with a minor mineral/salty counterbalance. Concerning the aromatic palate, a very interesting butter almond, together with wood and leather hints
Packaging: Pack of 5 cigars
Strength: Medium - Full
Flavour: Medium - Full
Length: 6"
Ring Gauge: 43
All sizes of Jose L. Piedra are made from 'Remedios' tobaccos, one of Cuba's oldest tobacco producing regions and a protected Denomination of Origin. The soil and climate have their own distinctive character. All totally hand made, short filler cigars.