The Tabernacle Torpedo cigar
The Tabernacle Torpedo is not just a cigar; it's a story of heritage and excellence. Featuring an image of Haile Selassie, the 225th King of Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia), this cigar connects to a rich lineage that traces back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Just as Ethiopia claims the Tabernacle that once held the Ark of the Covenant, every cigar aficionado's humidor can be their personal Tabernacle.
Indulge in the finest quality with the Tabernacle Broadleaf Maduro. This premium cigar boasts the most sought-after Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, meticulously aged to perfection. Complemented by a robust San Andres binder and filled with the best tobaccos from Estelí and Jalapa in Nicaragua and the Jamastran Valley in Honduras, the Tabernacle Broadleaf Maduro offers a rich, complex smoking experience that stands out in the world of premium cigars.
Key Features:
Available as a box of 24 here
The Tabernacle Torpedo cigar - single