Tatuaje Cafe No. 7 Reserva Cigar - Single Cigar
These premium cigar selections are the brainchild of cigar master Pete Johnson, and produced under the direction of the renowned Jose Pepin Garcia.
Each high-quality Tatuaje Reserva cigar is crafted with premium Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos, and gracefully enrobed in an oily Connecticut broadleaf.
Tatuaje Cafe No. 7 Reserva Cigar. Nicaraguan grown Habano seed tobaccos make up the filler and binder, with a rich and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper - marvellous Cuban style cigars, they are even presented with a triple seam cap.
Packaging: Single Cigar
Strength: Medium - Full
Flavour: Medium - Full
Length: 5 5/8"
Ring Gauge: 46
Rich, straightforward and sweet with notes of nougat, leather, oak, coca and caramel, and fresh tobacco, with a peppery and slightly dry finish.