Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Bon Chasseur - Single Cigar
These premium cigar selections are the brainchild of cigar master Pete Johnson, and produced under the direction of the renowned Jose Pepin Garcia.
Each high-quality Tatuaje cigar is crafted with premium Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos, and gracefully enrobed in an oily Connecticut broadleaf.
Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Bon Chasseur. Nicaraguan grown tobaccos make up the wrapper, filler and binder of these marvellous Cuban style Nicaraguan Puro cigars - they are even presented with a triple seam cap!
Packaging: Single Cigar
Strength: Medium - Full
Flavour: Medium - Full
Length: 5 3/8"
Ring Gauge: 52
Rich, straightforward and sweet, with notes of black coffee, black pepper, leather, oak and cocoa with underpinnings of earth and salt!