Rattray's Black Mallory 50g Tin.
A traditional ribbon cut Scottish blend from Rattray's British Collection. Consisting of Black Cavendish, Latakia, Virginia and Oriental with no additional flavourings.
Rattray's Black Mallory presents a full-bodied Scottish blend, marrying dark-leaf Black Cavendish, Latakia, and light-leaf Oriental and Virginia tobaccos. The gentle sweetness in this blend primarily emanates from the Cavendish and Virginia, offering a delightful contrast to the smokiness of the Latakia. Earthy undertones intermingle with the spice of the Oriental, resulting in a harmonious and balanced flavour profile.
This blend is crafted in an easy-to-handle ribbon cut, making it effortless to pack into your pipe and ensuring a smooth lighting experience.
Rattray's Black Mallory 50g Tin.
Strength: Medium
Flavour: Medium to Full
Room Rote: Full
This is a dark and full-bodied blend, with traditional tobacco flavours such as wood, earth, grass, citrus, warm spices and smoke. A satisfying smoke with a lengthy finish.