Quorum Robusto Cigar - Pack of 10
In just a few short years, Quorum Nicaraguan Handmade Cigars have ascended to become the No. 1 selling imported handmade bundle cigar in the world. This impressive milestone is a testament to J.C. Newman's unwavering dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
Quorum cigars are renowned for their smooth, medium-bodied profile, offering a luxurious smoking experience at a price accessible to even the most budget-conscious aficionado. This balance of affordability and quality has cemented Quorum’s reputation among cigar enthusiasts.
Quorum Robusto Cigar - Pack of 10.
Handmade Nicaraguan "banded" cigars. Nicaraguan Fillers and binders with Equador-Sumatra wrapper, smooth, flavorful smoke, medium strength cigar.
Flavour: Medium Strength Flavour
Length: 4 1/4" Length
Ring Gauge: 50 Ring Gauge
Packaging: Bundle of 10