Quorum Robusto Cigar - single cigar
Featuring a sweet and cedary flavour, this smooth cigar produces thick, white smoke that rivals cigars twice its price. This combination of affordability and exceptional smoking experience makes it a standout choice for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike.
The Classic line's Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper leaf adds a unique dimension to its blend. Ecuador's ideal climate and volcanic soil contribute to the growth of top-quality tobacco leaves, known for their rich flavour profile. The volcanic ash enriches the soil, providing nutrients that enhance the tobacco's characteristics, resulting in a beautifully unique smoking experience.
Grown without covering, the Classic's wrapper leaf is exposed to direct sunlight, encouraging the development of a darker, thicker leaf. This process intensifies the flavours, complementing the blend with rich and spicy notes that aficionados appreciate.
Quorum Robusto Cigar
Flavour: Medium Strength Flavour
Length: 4 1/4" Length
Ring Gauge: 50 Ring Gauge
Packaging: Single
Tasting Notes: Handmade Nicaraguan "banded" cigars. Nicaraguan Fillers and binders with Equador-Sumatra wrapper, smooth, flavorful smoke, medium strength cigar.