Partagas Presidentes Cigar.
Shaped like no other Cuban cigar on the market, this unique vitola delivers Partagas' inimitable deep earthy character.
The Partagas Presidentes, the latest addition to the esteemed Partagas Portfolio. Known for its rich, full-flavoured, yet smooth aromas, Partagas is a classic brand cherished by enthusiasts worldwide. The Presidentes is a Double Figurado, offering a uniquely shaped cigar that delivers a distinct smoking experience.
This Vitola is renowned for its complexity and is increasingly challenging to craft. Only the most skilled Cuban rollers handle this format, ensuring exceptional quality. Within Cuba's revered factories, the Presidentes is affectionately referred to as a Tacos, distinguished by its exceptional flavours and unique size
Featuring filler and binder tobaccos grown in the Vuelta Abajo zone, this full flavoured cigar features Partagas’ signature earthy notes with a mildly sweet spice.
Ring Guage - 47
Length - 6 1/4 inches (158mm)
Smoke Time - 45 minutes to 1 hour