Padron Family Reserve No. 50 Maduro
Aged up to 10 years to commemorates 50 years of success. A full bodied/strength, smooth and very well balanced cigar by Padron.
A must for any cigar aficionado who wants to experience a truly amazing cigar.
With a name now synonymous with excellence, PadrĂ³n cigars trace their humble beginnings back to a modest venture. Starting with just one cigar roller and selling cigars for 25 cents apiece, the future seemed uncertain. However, after a customer's suggestion for a fuma-style cigar, the company pivoted its product and packaging, leading to unexpected success.
Since those early days, PadrĂ³n cigars have evolved into a celebrated brand, commemorating 50 years in the industry as one of the most acclaimed cigarmakers worldwide. Notably, PadrĂ³n cigars have been honoured three times as Cigar of the Year, consistently ranking among the top 10 throughout the award's history.
The PadrĂ³n Family Reserve 50 Years Maduro, with its beautifully pressed appearance, offers a flavour profile rich in earthy tones, coffee notes, and the signature cocoa bean essence. This cigar is presented in boxes, while a larger, more limited edition is set to be released in a commemorative humidor.
In celebrating 50 remarkable years, PadrĂ³n cigars have proven that one cigar is simply not enough to capture their legacy of excellence and innovation.
Length: 5"
Ring Gauge: 54
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Packaging: Single cigar
The PadrĂ³n Family Reserve 50 Years Maduro, with its beautifully pressed appearance, offers a flavour profile rich in earthy tones, coffee notes, and the signature cocoa bean essence. This cigar is presented in boxes, while a larger, more limited edition is set to be released in a commemorative humidor.