Montecristo No. 4 Cigar - Box of 10
Montecristo No.4 - The most popular individual handmade cigar in the UK. It's rich, tangy, medium to full flavour acts as the benchmark for most smokers embarking on the journey to find their preferred Habano. Many return to it.
Montecristo, renowned as the epitome of excellence among Habanos, holds a special place in the hearts of cigar aficionados worldwide. Named after the protagonist of Alexandre Dumas' classic novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo," this brand has transcended time and geography to become a benchmark against which all other cigars are measured.
Founded in 1935, the Montecristo factory quickly established itself with a modest range of sizes numbered from 1 to 5. Over the decades, it has expanded to offer a diverse array of vitolas, catering to the varied preferences of cigar enthusiasts around the globe.
Montecristo's cigars are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using only the finest filler and binder leaves sourced exclusively from the prestigious Vuelta Abajo region. This ensures that each cigar delivers a perfectly balanced blend that exemplifies the rich heritage and superior craftsmanship of Cuban cigar-making.
The Montecristo Mareva, a stalwart in the brand's lineup, epitomises the signature characteristics cherished by aficionados. It is celebrated for its crisp and spicy flavours, which unfold with each draw, offering a delightful experience that pairs exquisitely with an afternoon espresso. This Mareva encapsulates the essence of Montecristo—elegant, flavorful, and unforgettable.
Montecristo No. 4 Cigar - Box of 10
Montecristo No.4 has flavours of soft leather and a long finish of Spanish cedar and toasted brazil nuts.
Packaging: Box of 10 cigars
Strength: Medium to Full
Flavour: Medium to Full
Length: 5 1/8"
Ring Gauge: 42
All Montecristo’s are a perfect balance of blends created exclusively with selected filler and binder leaves from the Vuelta Abajo tobacco zone, which is the main source of tobacco for Habanos and the only zone in Cuba that grows all types of leaf: wrappers, filler and binders. Offering a distinguished aroma and appeal equally to new and experienced smokers.