Luis Martinez Crystal Robusto Glass Cigar.
For over a century, Luis Martinez has been synonymous with premium cigars at unbeatable prices. Crafted with expertise, the cigars are a harmonious blend of Central American tobaccos, resulting in a medium-bodied smoke with rich, smooth flavour. Experience excellence with Luis Martinez, where tradition meets innovation in every puff.
A very well-balanced and made cigar. With a subtle sweetness and a smooth finish with lots of character.
Indulge in a cigar that ignites effortlessly and burns evenly, boasting impeccable craftsmanship. With hints of liquorice on the palate, this medium-bodied delight promises a memorable smoking experience.
Filler: Nicaraguan and Honduran Blend
Binder: Nicaraguan
Wrapper: Ecuadoran sun grown
Packaging: Single cigar