Indulge in luxury with this Leather Travel Cigar Case, crafted to keep your cigars safe on the move. Crafted from high quality PU leather, this case ensures the safety of your cigars while also protecting in style. The removable tray and humidifier, are lined with cedar wood imported from Spain. To maintain the unique taste and aroma of your cigars.
Designed for portability, this case features a double-sided storage design with Velcro inside, securely holding up to 6 cigars without risk of damage. Its compact size makes it the perfect companion for travel or outdoor adventures.
With a smooth zipper closure, this case creates a natural enclosed space, preserving your cigars' freshness and flavour. Fill it with distilled water to maintain optimal humidity levels, guaranteeing an optimal smoking experience wherever you go.
Elevate your cigar enjoyment with this Leather Travel Cigar Case, the ideal accessory for aficionados on the move.
Securely holds up to 6 cigars without risk of damage, for both indoor and outdoor travel.
Cigar Case Material: PU leather (external) Spanish cedar wood (internal)
Cigar Case Size: approx 7.09" * 3.74 * 2.87 (external)