La Galera Imperial Jade Chiquito Perfecto cigar
In the heart of Tamboril, known as the cigar capital of the world, Jose Arnaldo Blanco, affectionately known as "Jochy," savours a moment with a cigar that epitomises his lifelong dedication to tobacco. With decades of experience as a grower and manufacturer, his passion shines through at Tabacalera Palma, where exceptional cigars have earned global acclaim.
La Galera Imperial Jade features a rare wrapper of Cameroon seed tobacco grown exclusively in Cameroon. This wrapper type is a rarity due to its disease-prone nature, low yield, and the challenges involved in its processing. Upon arrival at the factory, the tobacco undergoes meticulous handling and additional processes to ensure its quality.
Despite its challenges, the Cameroon wrapper used in Imperial Jade cigars is remarkably thin and stiff, demanding expert skill and care. The final product reflects this dedication, presenting a cigar that is not only visually captivating but also smooth to the touch and irresistible in its allure.
Key Attributes:
La Galera, Imperial Jade, Chiquito Perfecto cigar
Length: 4"
Ring Gauge: 52/40
Strength: Medium to Full
Packaging: 1 Single
Vitola: Perfecto
Smoking Time: 40 Minutes
Wrapper: Cameroon
Binder: Dominican Criollo 98
Filler: Dominican Piloto Cubana, Dominican Criollo 98