Kristoff Robusto Tubed Sumatra cigar
Founded in 2004 by Glen Case, Kristoff Cigars has earned international acclaim for producing some of the finest cigars in the industry. At Kristoff, the focus is unwavering: quality, consistency, and availability. Each cigar is crafted using the highest quality double and triple fermented premium tobaccos sourced from around the globe, blended to perfection for the discerning cigar aficionado.
Traditional Craftsmanship with Modern Precision
Kristoff employs a centuries-old bunching technique known as "entubar." This skillful method ensures a more firmly packed cigar, allowing air to travel between all the leaves, and enhancing the delivery of aromatics and flavours. Each cigar undergoes individual draw testing, guaranteeing a well-constructed cigar with a perfect draw every time.
Kristoff Sumatra Robusto Tubed
The Kristoff Sumatra Robusto is a masterpiece rolled with a harmonious blend of Cuban-seed Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco fillers. Encased in a Brazilian binder and finished with a premium Ecuadorian Sumatra tobacco leaf, this cigar promises a luxurious smoking experience.
Flavour Profile
Key Features:
Kristoff Robusto Tubed Sumatra cigar - single
Length: 5 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 54
Strength: Medium to Full
Packaging: 1 Single
Vitola: Robusto
Smoking Time: 45 Minutes
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Brazilian
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan