Kristoff Robusto tubed Corojo Limitada cigar
Founded in 2004 by Glen Case, Kristoff Cigars has earned international acclaim for producing some of the finest cigars in the industry. At Kristoff, the focus is unwavering: quality, consistency, and availability. Each cigar is crafted using the highest quality double and triple fermented premium tobaccos sourced from around the globe, blended to perfection for the discerning cigar aficionado.
The Corojo Limitada is perfect for fans of Nicaraguan tobacco. Made with 100% Habano seed tobacco that is double and triple fermented, the Corojo Limitada maintains the Kristoff tradition of flavour and smoothness.
Kristoff Robusto tubed Corojo Limitada cigar - single
Length: 5 1/2"
RingĀ Gauge: 54
Strength: Medium-Full
Packaging: Box of 10
Vitola: Robusto
SmokingĀ Time: 45 Minutes
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corjo Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan Habano
Filler: Nicaraguan , Dominican Habano