Kendal Latakia Coarse Cut Blending Loose tobacco
Latakia, the renowned Oriental tobacco, has its origins in the Syrian village of Latakia. Unlike other small leaf Oriental tobaccos, Latakia undergoes a fire-curing process, contributing to its rich and aromatic flavour profile. In the past, Ottoman farmers would typically air-cure their tobacco, resulting in golden-colored leaves. However, when faced with the risk of mould affecting an entire harvest, they resorted to hanging the tobacco in barn rafters and lighting fires below. This process transformed the tobacco into a deep jet black colour while infusing it with the aromas of the woods and shrubs used as fuel for the fires.
Latakia is no longer produced in Syria, all production has moved to the island of Cyprus just over the sea from the village. The methods are the same, but the Cypriot version has a more chargrilled element.
Not everyones preference - Often mixed with Virginia and other Oriental tobaccos, for what is considered an “English Mixture”. Latakia also works surprisingly well with aromatic flavours; the cool nature ensures a smooth smoke.
Strength: Strong
Flavouring: None
Room Note: Tolerable
Classic Latakia cut, fire cured for additional flavour, featuring classic smokey notes with hints of leather, spice and a musty room note.