Davidoff - Escurio Gran Perfecto Cigar.
Experience the essence of Davidoff Escurio, a cigar crafted by the kisses of Brazilian rains and born by the Bay of Todos Los Santos. The unique climate of Brazil imparts Escurio with a sweet original taste and a rich aroma, making it a truly exceptional cigar.
Key Features:
Blend Origin: Brazil
Format: Gran Perfecto
Discover the Gran Perfecto Format: The Gran Perfecto format of Davidoff Escurio is a masterpiece, expertly cut at the foot to reveal a 50 RG. This unveiling offers a glimpse of the pleasures that await when you light up this exceptional cigar.
The journey begins with an intriguing interplay of spice and sweetness, where chili pepper dances with creamy notes. As the cigar transitions from 50 to 61 RG, prepare for an explosion of oak, liquorice, salt, and leather flavors, ensuring an exhilarating experience for your palate.