Drew Estate MUWAT Nightcrawler Cigar - 1 Single
A larger than life medium bodied smoke, My Uzi Weighs A Ton (MUWAT) is composed of a San Andreas Negra Wrapper, Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade Binder and hearty Brazilian Mata Fina and Nicaraguan fillers.
The Drew Estate saga is a tale marked by daring, resilience, and triumph, fueled by an unwavering passion for cigars and Nicaragua. Since 1996, we've been crafting cigars that embody our dedication to quality and innovation.
Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel aren't your typical cigar aficionados with storied Cuban roots or familial ties to the industry. Their journey began with a vision—a dream fueled by ambition and a refusal to accept defeat. From humble beginnings in a modest 16 square foot retail kiosk in the World Trade Center, these two frat brothers from New York embarked on an extraordinary adventure.
In 1998, Jonathan Drew took a leap of faith and relocated to Esteli, Nicaragua, aiming to ignite a revolution in the cigar world. Armed with a small team of rollers and even fewer resources, the legend of "That Crazy Gringo" was born.
Drew Estate MUWAT Nightcrawler Cigar
Packaging: Single Cigar
Strength: medium - full
Flavour: full
Length: 4 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 50
The exceptional tobaccos chosen for the MUWAT range give a rich and earthy smoke, with a bright, sweet undertone - Stony notes of slate and minerals, honey'd almonds, cocoa powder, a bold spiciness and a great earthy finish.