Downpour Pink Grapefruit Gin. Experience the unique allure of Downpour Pink Grapefruit Gin, born from the foundation of our renowned Downpour Scottish Dry Gin. This exceptional gin is meticulously crafted by infusing fresh pink grapefruits and a touch of pink peppercorns.
The outcome is a Scottish Gin that maintains classic juniper and citrus notes while introducing a delightful burst of zesty grapefruit and a warm spice on the finish. Elevate your gin experience with the refreshing and nuanced flavours of Downpour Pink Grapefruit Gin. Explore the perfect balance of tradition and innovation in every sip.
Clear in the bottle, cloudy in the glass. Downpour gin bursts into life with a splash of tonic, releasing essential oils from specially selected botanicals, drenching you in island flavour.
Nose: Piney balanced with citrus and spice.
Taste: Classic gin notes of juniper and citrus but with the addition of zingy grapefruit.
Finish: A tingling spice finish.
Say hello to Downpour Scottish Dry Gin. Citrus, spice and blossoms of wild Hebridean heather. This special Scottish Gin is bursting with botanicals, drenching you in big bold flavours you can taste in every drop.