Davidoff Signature No.2 Tubed Cigar - Single Cigar
Signature - The originals of the cigar world. The mild Signature blend promises timeless, elegant aromas of characteristically clean and creamy aftertastes.
Savour the cigar of choice for legends like Zino Davidoff and Dr. Schneider, as well as countless aficionados worldwide. The Zino Davidoff Panetela Cigar boasts a timeless Panetela format, revered for its classic elegance and exceptional craftsmanship.
Indulge in the earthy, woody notes of this harmonious blend, which beautifully complement the floral aromas and leave behind a clean, creamy aftertaste. As a testament to its superior craftsmanship, this cigar was the first premium cigar to be topped with an elegant 'pigtail', a hallmark reserved for only the finest cigars.
Elevate your smoking experience with the Zino Davidoff Panetela Cigar, where tradition meets innovation in every puff
Davidoff Signature No.2 Tubed Cigar.
The earthy, woody notes of this harmonious blend emphasise the floral aromas and leave a particularly clean, creamy and nutty aftertaste.
Packaging: Single Tubed Cigar
Strength: mild
Flavour: medium
Length: 6"
Ring Gauge: 38