Alec Bradley American Classic Robusto Cigar - Single Cigar
"I was inspired by a conversation with my Dad; reminiscing about the simpler times of yesteryear. During our chat, he spoke about the types of cigars that he and his buddies once smoked. Back in my Dad’s day, cigars were flavorful and hearty – yet, smooth on the palate. I went to the factory and blended a cigar to be smoked any time of day, every day. That cigar is American Classic"
~ Alan Rubin
The Alec Bradley American Classic line is composed of mature tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. Medium in body yet featuring an overall mellowness on the palate from the Honduran Connecticut wrapper.
A “classic” everyday smoke.
Alec Bradley American Classic Robusto Cigar. Comprised of a Honduran grown Connecticut wrapper, and Nicaraguan filler and binder, this is a great smoke for any time of the day.
Packaging: Single Cigar
Strength: mild/medium
Flavour: Medium
Length: 5"
Ring Gauge: 50
Full of creamy and wheaty notes, with a light pepper spice and mild honey sweetness in the background throughout.