A.J. Fernandez Blend 15 Short Robusto Cigar - Single Cigar
Hand-made Nicaraguan cigars from AJ Fernandez.
Unleash the bold allure of A.J. Fernandez with Blend 15 – a groundbreaking foray into premium bundled cigars! Crafted exclusively with 100% Nicaraguan Puros, these hand-rolled, long filler cigars redefine affordability without compromising on the exceptional quality synonymous with A.J Fernandez.
Indulge in the lavish experience of A.J.'s discipline, passion, and exquisite tobacco, all wrapped up in the unbeatable value of Blend 15. Elevate your cigar game without breaking the bank – it's A.J.'s touch of luxury, now within reach.
A.J. Fernandez Blend 15 Short Robusto cigar, marks the esteemed blender's first foray into premium bundled cigars. These 100% Nicaraguan Puros are handmade long filler cigars, offering an exceptional smoking experience without breaking the bank. This line allows cigar aficionados to enjoy the fine quality synonymous with A.J. Fernandez's name—rooted in discipline, passion, and top-notch tobacco—at a more accessible price point. Indulge in the craftsmanship and rich flavours that make A.J. Fernandez a renowned name in the cigar industry.
A.J. Fernandez Blend 15 Short Robusto Cigar
Length: 3 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 50
Strength: Medium
Packaging: 1 Single Cigar