De Olifant Brasil Panatella - Green Box of 10
De Olifant Brasil Corona Panatella cigars epitomise the high standards of traditional master craftsmen. Offering a diverse range of nine cigar models, De Olifant cigars cater to both short and extended smoking sessions, from mild to strong experiences.
As a specialist in Sumatra tobacco, De Olifant occasionally ventures to explore rare tobaccos like the naturally sweet Mata-Fina wrapper from Bahia, Brazil. Only about 1% of the annual harvest meets De Olifant's stringent quality standards, ensuring an exceptional smoking experience. This dedication to quality means these cigars are produced in limited quantities and are not always available in every line.
Flavourful and Aromatic
The Brasil Corona Panatella is packed with rich flavours and balanced aromas. Its distinctive Mata-Fina wrapper imparts a sweet, chocolate-like aroma, making each smoke as enjoyable as a fine dessert.
Key Features: