A unique triple-flavoured vodka from Stockholm, Sweden, created by Master Blender Peter Carlson. Aivy Red is a triple-distilled flavoured vodka which balances zesty notes from lemon and lime with luscious pomegranate.
Aivy Red’s natural sweetness and tart finish means it’s ideal for Martinis and similarly punchy serves.
Indulge in the captivating allure of Aivy Red, a delightful and vibrant flavoured vodka that ignites your senses and adds a burst of excitement to every sip. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this unique spirit combines the smoothness of vodka with a tantalising blend of refreshing red fruits and berries.
With each sip, immerse yourself in the luscious, fruity notes that dance on your palate, creating a delightful and invigorating taste sensation. Whether enjoyed on its own over ice or mixed into creative cocktails, Aivy Red vodka offers a playful and flavourful twist that is sure to impress even the most discerning palates.
Elevate your vodka journey with the vibrant and spirited flavours of Aivy Red, where every sip is an adventure in taste and indulgence.