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Perdomo Cigars

Perdomo Cigars

A Legacy of Excellence and Passion

Perdomo Cigars represents the epitome of dedication, quality, and family tradition in the cigar industry. Founded by Nick Perdomo Jr. in 1992, this brand has grown from a small, humble operation in Miami to one of the most respected names in the world of premium cigars. Perdomo Cigars is a true embodiment of the American dream, with roots tracing back to Nick Perdomo Sr., who started in the Cuban tobacco industry before emigrating to the United States.

This brand is renowned for its commitment to quality, from seed to shelf. The entire process—from growing the finest Cuban-seed tobacco in the fertile soils of Nicaragua to aging, blending, and rolling—is meticulously overseen by the Perdomo family. This hands-on approach ensures that every cigar bearing the Perdomo name meets their exacting standards.

One of the standout features of Perdomo Cigars is their innovative use of aging processes. They utilize bourbon barrel-aging to enhance the flavours and richness of their wrappers, adding a layer of complexity to the smoking experience. The result is a cigar with a unique depth, combining rich, earthy notes with a balanced sweetness and smooth finish. Popular lines like Perdomo 10th Anniversary, Perdomo Habano, and Perdomo Reserve Champagne have earned accolades for their consistent quality and exceptional flavour profiles.

Perdomo offers a range of blends to suit every palate, from mild to full-bodied. Whether you’re new to the world of cigars or a seasoned aficionado, there’s a Perdomo cigar that will captivate your senses. Their cigars are known for their impeccable construction, ensuring an even burn and smooth draw with every puff.

As a family-owned and operated business, Perdomo Cigars takes pride in maintaining the traditions and values that have guided them for generations. Their dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction is evident in every cigar they produce. When you choose Perdomo, you're not just enjoying a premium cigar—you're experiencing a legacy of passion, craftsmanship, and quality that spans decades.

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