Oliva Cigars: A Legacy of Excellence and Tradition
Oliva Cigars is a name that resonates with cigar enthusiasts worldwide, known for its unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Established in 1995, the Oliva family has deep roots in the tobacco industry, dating back to the 1880s in Cuba. After relocating to Nicaragua, the family continued their legacy, focusing on creating premium cigars that honor their rich heritage. Today, the cigars is celebrated for producing some of the finest hand-rolled cigars in the world, combining tradition with innovation.
At the heart of their success is its dedication to using the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos. Grown in the fertile regions of Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa, these tobaccos are renowned for their rich flavour profiles and impeccable quality. The brand’s flagship line, the Serie V, is a prime example of this commitment. Known for its full-bodied strength and complex notes of dark chocolate, coffee, and spice, the Serie V is a favourite among aficionados and consistently earns high ratings from top cigar publications.
There portfolio also includes the Serie G, Serie O, and Serie V Melanio, each offering a unique smoking experience that caters to different palates. Whether you prefer a robust, full-flavoured cigar or a smoother, medium-bodied blend, Oliva has something for everyone. The brand’s meticulous attention to detail, from seed to smoke, ensures that every cigar delivers a consistent and satisfying experience.
Their reputation for excellence is further solidified by its numerous awards and accolades, including Cigar of the Year honours for the Serie V Melanio. For those seeking a premium smoking experience steeped in tradition and quality, Oliva Cigars is the perfect choice.
Explore our selection of Oliva Cigars and discover why this brand is a staple in humidors around the world. Elevate your cigar collection with the timeless elegance of Oliva.