At Robert Graham, we aim to spotlight these under-the-radar cigar makers and labels, bringing their stories and exquisite offerings to the forefront. Join us on this journey, where each #RGSpotlight reveals a new star in the cigar world. Promising to tantalise your palate and enrich your appreciation for the art of cigar making. When it comes to premium cigars, few names resonate as profoundly as Alec Bradley.
Alec Bradley Cigars, established in 1996, has rapidly gained a prestigious reputation in premium cigars. Founded by Alan Rubin and named after his two sons, the brand is praised for its continous commitment to quality, innovation, and craftsmanship. Known for producing a diverse range of cigars that cater to both seasoned enjoyers and newcomers, Alec Bradley has earned numerous accolades and awards. From its inception, Alec Bradley has focused on creating cigars that offer unique, rich flavours, and impeccable construction. This commitment to excellence quickly garnered attention, setting Alec Bradley apart in a competitive market.
Alec Bradley's journey began with a clear vision: to produce cigars that aficionados would cherish. This vision was realized through an uncompromising focus on quality and the intricate art of blending. From the very beginning, Rubin sought out the finest tobaccos and the most skilled artisans. Striving to ensure that every Alec Bradley cigar would deliver a memorable and satisfying experience. This dedication quickly set the brand apart, earning it a loyal following and numerous accolades within the cigar community.
Alec Bradley's success is not just about awards and accolades. It is about the passion and dedication that Alan Rubin and his team bring to the craft of cigar making. Each cigar is a testament to their relentless pursuit of perfection and their respect for the rich heritage of cigar craftsmanship. As they continue to innovate and expand its offerings, one thing remains constant. Their commitment to providing cigar enthusiasts with exceptional smoking experiences that celebrate the art of cigar making.
Their portfolio, which includes renowned lines like the Prensado, Black Market, and Magic Toast, reflects a dedication to creating complex, flavourful blends that enhance the smoking experience. With roots in tradition and a forward-looking approach, they continue to be a significant player in the cigar industry.
One of the brand's most acclaimed lines, the Alec Bradley Prensado, epitomises their dedication to quality and innovation. The Prensado Churchill was named Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado in 2011. A testament and award to its superior blend and craftsmanship. This full-bodied cigar features a rich Honduran Trojes wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers. Culminating in creating a complex and satisfying smoking experience.
The Prensado cigar is a long, extra full-bodied, box-pressed dreamboat brimming with dark, spicy tobacco flavours and remarkable complexity. True to tradition, its box-pressed construction enhances the smoking experience. While the Trojes Corojo wrapper provides both power and rich flavour. This combination results in a truly classic smoke, celebrated for its depth and intensity. Such accolades have solidified Alec Bradley's reputation as a leading purveyor of fine cigars. Making it attractive both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike.
In the world of premium cigars, Alec Bradley stands out as a beacon of quality and innovation. From its humble beginnings to its rise as a celebrated brand, their journey is a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and craftsmanship. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, exploring Alec Bradley's offerings is sure to enrich your appreciation for the art of cigar making.
Join us in celebrating the world of fine crafted cigars, where each #RGSpotlight reveals a new star, promising to tantalise your palate and deepen your appreciation for the craft of cigar making. So, light up an Alec Bradley cigar, savour the complex flavours, and join the countless enthusiasts who have made Alec Bradley a staple in their cigar collections.