Cohiba Exquisitos Cigar - Pack of 5
A ideal cigar for the morning, with plenty of taste to sharpen the palate.
Cohiba stands as the flagship brand of Habanos, revered worldwide for its unparalleled quality and exclusivity.
Created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro, Cohiba cigars were initially produced at the clandestine El Laguito factory. For many years, they were only given as gifts to heads of state and visiting diplomats. It wasn't until 1982 that Cohiba cigars became available to the public, albeit in limited quantities.
The name Cohiba originates from an ancient Taino Indian word referring to the bunches of tobacco leaves that Christopher Columbus first observed being smoked by the indigenous people of Cuba. These early forms of cigars laid the foundation for what would become the prestigious Habanos.
The leaves used in Cohiba cigars are the "selection of the selection" from the five finest Vegas de Primera in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis districts of the Vuelta Abajo zone. This meticulous selection ensures that only the best tobacco is used in Cohiba cigars.
Cohiba is unique among Habanos for its additional fermentation process. Up to three of Cohiba's filler leaves—seco, ligero, and the rare medio tiempo—undergo a third fermentation in barrels. This process imparts a distinctive aroma and flavour exclusive to Cohiba cigars.
Cohiba encompasses four distinct lines:
This constant innovation has kept Cohiba at the forefront of the cigar world. Cohiba was the first Havana brand to introduce a Reserva cigar in 2002 and a Gran Reserva in 2009, using tobaccos aged for a minimum of three and five years, respectively.
All Cohiba sizes are ‘totalmente a mano, tripa larga’—long filler and completely handmade. This dedication to craftsmanship ensures that each cigar provides a superior smoking experience, reflective of its prestigious heritage.
With its rich history, exceptional quality, and innovative spirit, Cohiba remains the epitome of luxury in the world of Habanos. Experience the unique flavours and aromas that have made Cohiba the preferred choice of connoisseurs worldwide.
Cohiba Exquisitos Cigar - Pack of 5
Flavour: Medium to Full
Length: 5" (125mm)
Ring Gauge: 33 ring gauge
Packaging: 5 pack